By: Sofya Stearns

It’s beginning to look like the holiday season. The stores are fully stocked with holiday decorations and gear, and once we start prepping for the gobble, gobble day, it means in no time, we will be smelling Christmas Trees, hearing Salvation Army bells and marveling at store windows decorated in sparkles. With that, the shopping rush begins.
As a mom, I don’t want my child to think that the holiday season is all about gifts, materialistic things. I want her to know that the holiday season is more about giving, cherishing each other and being kind. For most of us, the holiday season is the best time of the year, but for some, not so much. The past few years have been difficult; a lot of people endured financial and emotional hardships, but then the good news is that there is hope.
What melts my heart is when my 10-year-old Izabella sees someone in despair or not as fortunate as she, and she wants to help. What I have learned is that kids are kind, and kids want happiness for other kids. It’s in their nature; it’s that innocence they are all born with.
Would I be lying if I said Izabella doesn’t get all wrapped up in sending notes to Santa? Yes, I would be. She loves looking for her Elf on the Shelf and her Mensch on the Bench; however, I also want to make sure that she knows that asking for things sometimes might resolve in not getting them.
I enjoy doing works of charity for families or for the disabled, and I’m thrilled when my child sees and knows that there are less fortunate kids and adults. I’m also delighted that my child knows that doing charity work is very fulfilling and that it’s a must to be out there helping others. As a mom, I know I’m teaching her a valuable lesson, and thus, she will grow up a better person with an even bigger heart than she already has.
This time of year gives us the opportunity to be good role models and to teach our kids a valuable lesson, that we must care for others. Check on someone you know who might be in despair. Donate to those struggling—it doesn’t have to be monetary. A letter written to a nursing home resident or to someone who needs to be cheered up may be more valuable than a gift. Remember, we are family, one community. Gather all your sisters and brothers around you.
Enjoy this beautiful season of giving, love, and laughter.