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Passavant Hospital Foundation supports innovative new workshop developed by UPMC anesthesiologist

Creating something out of nothing has always been a part of who Charles Lin, MD, MSc, is.

While an undergrad at Columbia University, he launched a nursing volunteer program on campus, providing new opportunities for students to volunteer in local nursing homes. In 2022, he developed a monitor to improve operating room safety.

 His latest creation is a simulator-based workshop that allows healthcare professionals to hone their skill of effectively establishing emergency airways in high-risk patients while in a disruptive environment, such as a busy operating room. Although the procedure may be rare, it can mean the difference between life and death for a patient.

“Patients stop breathing when under anesthesia, so doctors only have a couple of minutes to insert a breathing tube through the nose or mouth. The vast majority of time, the procedure is routine and everything goes smoothly,” Dr. Lin explained.

In rare instances, however, complications can arise in which the breathing tube cannot be properly established. In times past, a surgeon would have to be summoned in these circumstances to make a tiny incision into the trachea so the breathing tube could be inserted through the throat. Dr. Lin’s workshop is an opportunity for anestheologists to refresh, practice and hone their surgical skill so they can successfully perform a similar procedure themselves, saving critical time and thus, quite possibly, a patient’s life.

“Everyone learns the technique during their medical training, but because these situations are uncommon, the skill requires some refreshing and practice from time to time,” Dr. Lin said. The workshop serves as that refresher, allowing doctors to remain confident of their abilities when and if the need for it arises unexpectedly.


The workshop, titled “Scalpel-Bougie Front of Neck Access Workshop,” is a 15-minute-long session. Participants watch a short video of the procedure, in which the incision is made in a membrane in the trachea, between the thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage of the larynx. Participants then step up to a simulator, where an instructor demonstrates the technique on a specialized manikin, followed by participants performing the task themselves, under the instructor’s supervision.


Dr. Lin, an anesthesiologist, partnered with John O’Donnell, DrPH, CRNA, director of the nurse anesthesia program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, to develop the workshop. They recommend that participants repeat the workshop yearly in order to retain their skills.


“As Director of Quality Improvement for the Department of Anesthesiology at UPMC Passavant, I’m focused on patient safety,” Dr. Lin said. “These workshops fall in line with that. They elevate patient safety.”

Though primarily developed by anesthesia providers for other anesthesia providers, the workshop has found popularity and value among students and physicians from other medical disciplines, as well.


Michael Barton, MD, chief of emergency services at UPMC Passavant, attended the workshop in January. “(It) provided hands-on learning of a simple and effective method of performing a cricothyroidotomy so an emergency medicine physician will be able to perform this life-saving procedure without hesitation,” he said.


 Following two years of planning, development, and pilot programs, Dr. Lin conducted his first workshop in March 2023. His latest workshops were held at UPMC Passavant during the first two months of 2025. This spring, a “Train the Trainers” session will be conducted to teach clinicians from other UPMC hospitals how to conduct the workshop at their affiliated facilities, including UPMC Magee-Womens, UPMC Shadyside, UPMC Mercy, UPMC Presbyterian, and more. Dr. Lin is confident he will reach more than 400 anesthesia providers, plus additional doctors from across other medical departments and disciplines throughout the UPMC system.


The workshops may also spread beyond the UPMC system as Dr. Lin is currently collaborating with a colleague at WVU Medicine who is eager to bring the workshops to her state.


Passavant Hospital Foundation was one of the first to support Dr. Lin’s efforts through a Foundation grant.


“We are always thrilled to help fund new, innovative ideas that help patients achieve the best possible health outcomes,” said Anthony R. Savannah, president of Passavant Hospital Foundation. “Simply put, Dr. Lin’s workshops will save lives.”

Passavant Hospital Auxiliary supports local doctors, patients


Over the past 60 years, the Passavant Hospital Auxiliary has raised and donated more than $4 million to help make UPMC Passavant the worldclass hospital it is today. The Auxiliary works in partnership with Passavant Hospital Foundation to help fund projects that benefit patients, their families, and those who care for them.


In 2024, the auxiliary provided nearly $60,000 for seven different department grants at UPMC Passavant. One of those grants helped the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative

Medicine obtain a Glidescope Video Laryngoscope, the most comprehensive airway visualization system for

laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and dual view airway procedures. Another grant helped the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at UPMC Passavant acquire Photobiomodulation (PBM) Laser Therapy, a non-invasive treatment to stimulate cells and promote healing


Passavant Hospital Foundation awarded several grants in 2024

Passavant Hospital Foundation continues to align itself with initiatives in McCandless and Cranberry Townships supporting the patients of UPMC Passavant, patients’ families, hospital staff, and the community. In 2024, the foundation supported multiple Community Initiative Grants totaling $39,996, which were awarded to:


·   Anchorpoint Counseling Ministries to support their bereavement and mental health groups


·   Elfinwild Volunteer Fire Company for the need of three Stop-The- Bleed kits


·   Kearns Spirituality Center to support their Comfort & Hospitality Program MHY Family Services (formerly the

·   Mars Home for Youth) to help build stronger families through their MST-Psych Family Support Program


·   North Hills Community Outreach to help provide food for low-income families and older adults


·   Orchardview Stables to assist with their therapeutic sessions for veterans and first responder

·   Ross/West View EMS to support the need of an IV Medication pump Variety the Children’s Charity to support the need of two strollers for local families who have children with disability needs


·   Butler County Family YMCA to support their automated external defibrillator (AED) needs



Passavant Hospital Auxiliary supports local doctors, patients

left to right: Carol Koontz, President; Rita

Jastrebski, Vice President; Janese Abbott,

Secretary; and Debbie Marziano, Treasurer

Over the past 60 years, the Passavant Hospital Auxiliary has raised and donated more than $4 million to help make UPMC Passavant the world-class hospital it is today. The Auxiliary works in partnership with Passavant Hospital Foundation to help fund projects that benefit patients, their families, and those who care for them.

In 2024, the auxiliary provided nearly $60,000 for seven different department grants at UPMC Passavant. One of those grants helped the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine obtain a Glidescope Video Laryngoscope, the most comprehensive airway visualization system for laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and dual-

Bridge to Hope support group welcomes new members


One of the country’s most innovative serve people living outside the models for a support group is Bridge To Hope, a free, weekly educational of each month is held in person at and support program that is peer-led and consists of members who have one specific experience in common: they all have a loved one struggling with a substance abuse disorder. The group focuses on its members’ shared ideas, experiences, hopes,

and successes.

As a Passavant Hospital Foundation outreach initiative, the program has served more than 5,000 local families since it began in 1999. Meetings are held online at 7 p.m. during the first three Wednesdays of the month for the convenience and ability to serve people living outside the immediate area; the last Wednesday of each month is held in person at the Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center at Cumberland Woods Village and features experts who address topics relevant to substance abuse disorders and the importance of each family member’s self-care.


Another free, Foundation-sponsored support group, Beyond Bridge to Hope, addresses the needs of family members who have experienced the death of a loved one due to drug or alcohol abuse. This group is led by a certified grief counselor and meets in person on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center. For details, call 412-748-6640.



Sign up for a free health seminar!

Passavant Hospital Foundation partners with UPMC Passavant to provide a variety of health and wellness education programs that are free and open to all. Each interactive class is led by an expert in the field who provides up-to-date medical information in terms people of all ages can understand. Registration is required at or 412-748-6641.

Liver Lesions Benign and Malignant: A Multi- disciplinary Approach to Care


Tues., Mar. 18 ● 6:00 – 7:30 PM ● Assembly Hall at UPMC Passavant William P. Hogle, MSN, RN, OCN, will discuss common liver lesions and explain treatment options and care.


Jaw Pain — Common Causes and Treatments


Thurs., Mar. 27 ● 6:00 – 7:00 PM ● Northland Public Library Jaw pain, common causes and pathology will be discussed,

along with other symptoms that can often be associated with jaw pain. Physical therapy interventions will also be reviewed. Natalie Novak, PT, DPT, OCS, of UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, will lead this seminar.


What If I’m Not Ready for Surgery? Exploring Conservative Options to Treat Hip and Knee Pain


Tues., Apr. 15 ● 6:00 – 7:30 PM ● Assembly Hall at UPMC Passavant With more than 40 years of experience as an orthopedic

surgeon, William D. Abraham, MD, offers diagnosis and development of nonsurgical treatment plans for patients at Tri

Rivers Conservative Care Clinic. If you’re experiencing chronic hip or knee pain but are not ready to undergo joint surgery, come learn about alternatives that may align with your goals.


Everything You Need to Know About Fasting


Thurs., Apr. 24 ● 6:00 – 7:00 PM ● Northland Public Library Jennifer Sotirake, RD, LDN, CDCES, Dietitian Advanced

Practitioner/ Diabetes Care and Education Specialist at UPMC Passavant will discuss the growing popularity of intermittent fasting as a tool for weight management and health benefits. Come learn if intermittent fasting is right for you.


Management of Thyroid Nodules


Tues., May 20 ● 6:00 – 7:30 PM ● Assembly Hall at UPMC Passavant Mark Kubik, MD, will discuss the impact of newly evolving molecular diagnostics and new minimally invasive approaches in thyroid pathology.


Gardening Thyme: Avoid Aches and Pains While Gardening


Thurs., May 22 ● 6:00 – 7:00 PM ● Northland Public Library Join our physical therapist to discuss how to continue enjoying

gardening with less stress and pain to your body. Learn what best tools to use and proper lifting techniques. This class is led by Taylor Docherty, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, UPMC Rehabilitation Institute.


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